Well I would to say
BMX has made me a pretty tough girl, and the crowd definitely doesn’t include and pageant queens… One day I was online buying tickets for the biggest fair in south Florida when I saw a link to enter into the
Miss South Florida Fair Pageant. As spontaneous as I am I printed the forms out and send in my information with a picture included. A few days passed by and I got a phone call from a very nice lady telling me that they would like to come and audition for the pageant… She explained to me that there were several categories including swimwear, eveningwear, and a talent showcase, so I quickly thanked her, hung up, and ran to my mom to tell her the news. That whole next week I had been practices my chosen talent which where I was going to paint a picture, in a very short amount of time, for the audition. Three day before the audition I received another call from that very same lady, wanting to know how everything was going and what talent I was going to be performing. I happily told her of my plans, when she dropped the bomb. I could sing, dance, or play an instrument… Mind you, this was THREE days prior to auditions. Well I weighed out my abilities and I sure as hell wasn’t choreographing a dance in seventy-two hours, nor was I learning too play an instrument like I was in am orchestra or something… So singing it was. Have I ever sung in front of a crowd of any size? Of course not. Was I ready to blurt out my
fave tune to a panel of judges? As ready as I’d ever be. I spent most of my remaining seventy-two hours in the shower singing obnoxiously making sure I could hit every note. D-Day was finally here; myself and fifty other girls were tagged with a number like cattle and corralled into a line until it was our turn. My turn approached very quickly and there I was standing in front of seven judges and forty-nine other girls, singing my heart out without a microphone or background music. A week later I received a letter in mail bluntly stating that I had MADE IT! Me and nineteen other girls were about to get really close, with endless nights of dance practice (for the opening number) and catwalk transitions. The openly night of the fair had finally arrived and it was our time to shine. We all looked so graceful on stage in our swimwear and eveningwear but it was like the
Metropolitan Zoo behind the curtains. The talent portion swiftly arrived and there I was again, blinded by the spot light in front of seven judges, but this time, two thousand other people! I blared my song like I was back in my shower and suddenly it didn’t seem all that bad… Had I even had singing lessons like a lot of these other girls? No. Did I even know I could actually sing? Ha-ha… No. But hey, you only live once right?
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